Monday, August 9, 2021

Ok, I Promised Janet O That I Would . . .

start up again on this blog as there has been a lot accomplished since my last post on May 9, 2020.  This has been quite the year plus with Civid-19 restrictions, my heart issues that have caused me to have no energy until 2 months ago and Kelly having to work full-time now that the hotels in Bandon have been able to open.

I think I will start with the walkway for my quilting clientele.  You can find the prep work HERE when Kelly dug up the pathway in June, 2019.  It then sat dormant for a long time and during that  time the weeds came back in mass!!

So, after cleaning it alllll back out again, the work on the walkway could commence!!

While Kelly was cleaning out the weeds again, I cut the boards.

Boards are already!!

Then we laid weed barrier before putting in the foundation. 

We started with a small piece of the foundation to make sure that we had the ground leveled properly with sand and that the walkway would be good and sturdy!!

Lookin' Good!!

 Until next time!!

A Couple of Projects We did Awhile Back . . .

This is the back porch off the kitchen.  If you enlarge the picture (by clicking on it), you can see that the floor of the room is wayyyyy b...