Friday, January 18, 2019

Janet Wanted to Know . . . the Rest of the Story!!

So, at the end of a lonnnnng, exhausting Saturday, we still had no water but both Kelly and I know more about how a well works and all it little parts than most people on the whole planet!!

We rested on Sunday and then Monday morning, back out to see if we could figure out the problem.  There just HAD to be a solution!!

First, we had to add air to the pressure tank to make it it was working.  Still nothing!!  Then we pulled the pressure tank out, emptied the little water that was in there.  Re-attached it, added more air to right amount.  Still nothing!!

Then, I thought, ya know, that pressure switch looks a little wonky, so I put in a new switch.  Nothing!!

Then we finally admitted defeat and called the Well guy.  He came out Tuesday morning early and knew right off the bat what the problem was!!  Nothing Kelly and I ever could have guessed in a million years!!

His name was Jimmy and he was just as cute as he could be!!

First, he asked us if the pump had been re-wired recently.  I told him yes.  He opened up the back of the pump and said the pump was set for 110 electricity and we now had it wired for 220.

BOOM!!  Fixed just like that, Janet!!  And we now have water again and learned lots and lots of good stuff in the meantime!!

And that is the rest of this story!!  Happily ever after!!  THE END!!


  1. Wow! Who would have guessed--well, the plumber did, obviously.
    Glad it all got worked out, but sorry for all the grief in the process of getting there.

  2. Good job you two! So glad to hear you have water now.

  3. Wears me out just reading all you have been doing. Glad you have water now. Watched a youtube video about a couple drilling a well... very interesting.


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