Saturday, March 30, 2019

Work Continues in the Mud Room . . .

We have been getting the glass block window framing ready to go for the glass block window.

First we had to tear out the frame that was already there . . .

And then rebuild the frame to fit the new window.

I wanted a little deeper sill for plants since this is a north facing window.  And also a bit of a rounded finish on the ends. 

The metal bar at the bottom and along the sides is to help the mortar stick to the bare wood better.

And then the installation.  Man, I'll tell ya, the guys on the YouTubes make it look so easy!!  NOT!!  You would think that those guys on YouTube had installed block windows a million times!!

So, here is how we ended a long day - with a big mess on our hands that we will need to clean up and apply more mortar.

But it's in and now that the mortar is dry, it is solid as a rock.  So, we think we will be spending Saturday cleaning and making sure that the mortar is everywhere it is supposed to be!!  :-)


  1. So impressive the way you two aren't afraid to tackle anything. Good job!

  2. Well done. looks fantastic. Glad you enjoyed a hot bath too!

  3. Is this new window in your bathroom? Love your tub by the way!


A Couple of Projects We did Awhile Back . . .

This is the back porch off the kitchen.  If you enlarge the picture (by clicking on it), you can see that the floor of the room is wayyyyy b...