Monday, August 26, 2019

YAY!! The First Door Inside the House . . .

is up and ready for a doorknob!!  Dang that means I have to go shopping!!

We both had that rare afternoon when neither of us was working and so we took advantage of the situation and  . . .

We now have a door going into the Guest Suite!!  Pretty fun!!


  1. Very pretty, but I think I will wait until the suite also has walls before I will come be a guest. :)
    Isn't it great to feel the difference a door can make?

  2. Woo Ho!. You are making progress. Love the Clyesdale!


A Couple of Projects We did Awhile Back . . .

This is the back porch off the kitchen.  If you enlarge the picture (by clicking on it), you can see that the floor of the room is wayyyyy b...