Friday, December 28, 2018

Exciting News!!

Yesterday when we were tearing off the walls of the mudroom we ended up tearing some of the T-111 off from the main part of the house . . .

Kelly noticed that it was the desired ship-lap that we were hoping was under there!!  And, it looked like it was in pretty good shape.

We were hoping there was ship-lap because when we tore off the drywall in the office several months ago, we found this ~

And this wall was part of the original house build in 1949 way before the addition was built.  Which made us think the entire original house would be ship-lap.

So, this afternoon, I went to the front corner of the house to see if the ship-lap extended all the way around the original house.

And it looks like it does!!  Plus, it is in excellent condition!!  We are thrilled.

Now, we are going to wait until Kelly's new Christmas present arrives . . .

I originally got him a bandsaw, but I got the wrong thing so after finding out there is ship-lap under the T-111, we decided that a router and a router table would be the best tool for his new workshop so we can cut our own new exterior ship-lap where it is bad in some places . . .

It looks like there may have been a door here before they put in the window, so this will be one place (and I am sure there will be others) that will need the new ship-lap we will make.

Fun, fun, fun!!

And this is what Kelly got accomplished today!!  New storage unit all primed and ready for paint on the next sunny day!!


  1. WooHoo--so glad you found what you hoped for under the surface!
    Nothing you two can't do!


A Couple of Projects We did Awhile Back . . .

This is the back porch off the kitchen.  If you enlarge the picture (by clicking on it), you can see that the floor of the room is wayyyyy b...