Friday, January 4, 2019

We Got the Walls Up . . .

on the mudroom yesterday before the rains came today.  I couldn't post until this morning because we were still stapling the tar paper onto the plywood last night using a flashlight to see the last half hour and I couldn't get a final picture until this morning!!

First, off with the old!!

That included all the studs and the sill plates on both sides of the door in the middle.  I guess I only took a picture of the one side without the studs and sill plate but the entire wall was removed.

Then new pressure-treated sill plates and new studs went up across the whole back wall.

Once all the studs and sill plates were in place, we put up the plywood walls that will go under the new ship-lap we are going to make and put up.

Here's a look at the inside all fresh and new!!

Going back through time, here are pictures of how it looked originally!!

Finally, as the day ended and the dark fell upon us, we got the last staples in the tar paper and now the walls are protected again the rains that came this morning and apparently all this coming week.

We wanted to start working the the new deck that is going to be built over the concrete floor in the mudroom today but both of us are walking around like a couple of old people.  So, we will probably wait until tomorrow to start the new deck!! And then again, maybe we might do a bit later this afternoon!!


A Couple of Projects We did Awhile Back . . .

This is the back porch off the kitchen.  If you enlarge the picture (by clicking on it), you can see that the floor of the room is wayyyyy b...